
Posted by DonnieSmith

Kylie turned nine today! We spent the week in Tulsa visiting family. Kylie made her first trip to a cemetery. She has been asking about granny Smith and she wanted to see where she is buried. It was a painful experience and one would have to question my parenting ability for taking her. However, we pulled up to the grave side and Kylie said "is it the one with the flowers?" I said "yes" and she got out of the car walked over to the grave and just sat down. She sat there for a few minutes in complete silence and then she began to wipe her eyes. I was a mess at this point but sat down next to her and just held her while she cried. Without a word we stood up and went back to the car. Kylie as only she can do to me, melted my heart when she said "dad, it is OK, she is in heaven now". I responded with "I know she is and we will see her again one day."

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 9:21 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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