Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for walking with me. Thank you for loving me the way that you do! I am going to miss praying with you “in person”. I will miss our brain storming sessions. I will miss our sushi runs. I will miss your wit and never ending line of jokes. I will long to hear your encouragement. I will miss the sound of your laugh. I will miss that look you give…(that mix between wanting to laugh at me while holding back your commentary)… when I miss a three foot putt. I will miss hearing you teach. I am going to miss you.
You are a gifted man of God. You understand what it means to honor the people around you. You know what it means to serve the people around you. You are a pastor! I have heard you say that you would follow me to the ends of the earth. I would do the same for you. I would walk as far and as hard as you needed me to. One of the things that I have always admired about you is your willingness to “put others first”. Keep that spirit. It our job as pastors to lead the charge but it is never about us. We carry all the responsibility but need to stand in the back of the line. You do this well! Never take a front row parking spot. Never desire to have your name on the sign out front. Never close your door to the people of the church and always listen before you speak. Never neglect His word. If I had one wish for you it would be that you would live out our staff devotion we had today. ---- Seek His wisdom in all things. I feel so blessed to know you. I am going to miss you and I will continue to pray for you daily. You have a big challenge coming your way. You are going to do a great job. I believe in you!
I will forever cherish our friendship.
This entry was posted
on Monday, January 26, 2009
at 10:37 PM
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Bro, what can I say...
I blogged my response at: www.createahungrychurch.blogspot.com
Love you bro.
January 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Thank you for being such a good friend and mentor to our son. We have not been around you that much, but we know that people are blessed by your teaching and preaching. Neither Memphis nor Austin will ever be the same. You will be greatly missed. But, you are called to do His work. So, go and make a difference.
Tom & Jerry Hollis
January 29, 2009 at 4:02 PM