With us God  

Posted by DonnieSmith

For my struggling friend. If you really want your feet to dance to the same beat as heaven, stop writing and pick up your guitar.
In Isaiah and in Matthew, Jesus is called “Emmanuel.”

“Em” = with.

“Nu” = us.

“El” = God.

He’s the “with us God.” He wanted to give Himself. "God with us." Each word is so vital.
God with us. What if it said “man with us” or “girl with us” or “boss with us” or even “friend with us”? As nice as that might be, it’s not that great. No, it’s “God with us.” The most awesome, most powerful, most infinite, most amazing, most holy, most loving, most righteous Creator God who’s never surprised, never worried, never frustrated, never thwarted is with us.
God with us. What if it said “God against us” or “God without us”? How safe would you feel then? No. It’s God with us. We don’t have to go through life alone. Jesus didn’t come to take us out of this world. He came to be with us in this world.
God with us. What if it said “God with you”? That would mean He doesn’t care about me. What if it said “God with me”? That would mean that He doesn’t care about you. What if it said “God with them”? That would mean that He plays favorites. No, it’s God with us.
Emmanuel=“with us God”? Hold on to this ---it is something to be merry about this Christmas.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 8:44 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Hey love the pics.. got you blog, come subscibe to mine now.
and you said you were going to call.... ha ha
hey i would love to have a letter from you about you Ordination and something you know now you wish someone would have told you then.
or better yet put it on a DVD for me and send it to me..
Thank you for allowing God to work through you Donnie i am here today becuse of the time and investment you made in my life and pryaers you have prayed back at DBU up until now.. thank you for being apart of who i am and being a friend.

December 18, 2008 at 7:11 AM

i second the first part...

December 18, 2008 at 11:57 PM

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