I love my Church, I have an amazing family and the best friends a man could have. If that was not enough-----God seems to keep pouring His grace on me. The past few months have been very challenging but somehow I seem to keep finding peace and joy that I can’t explain. I have been sick for the past few days and I have had more time to myself this week than I have had in the past year. I was able to look back at the past year of my life and see so much of me has changed. I think it has all been good change but only time will tell. What hit me this week was a harsh reality… I need to create more time for me. This feels selfish to say but it is the truth. One of my best friends wrote me a letter just before I moved here a year ago. I read it this week at the perfect time.
This is part of what he wrote.
“Paul told Timothy, “Pay close attention to yourself" (I Timothy 4:16a). Growth is not automatic; it does not necessarily come with experience, nor simply as a result of gathering information. What we want to see is transformation. The word “transformed” in Romans 12:1-2 is metamorphoo in the Greek. We learned the word in grade school. Metamorphosis. A caterpillar “morphs” into a butterfly. That’s what God intends for you. You will change, you will morph, you will grow! Staying the same isn’t an option. You are walking into the biggest challenge you might ever face. I know you will do a great job. I want to pass this wisdom onto you. I want you to avoid the pain I have experienced over the years. You are a gifted man of God. People listen to you and love you because you are real and God’s hand is on you. Stay bold, burn brightly, but don't burn out. Know these four things well and recite them often.
I am not invincible. I can get sick and grow weary and sin. Therefore, I must be careful.
I am not immortal. I am going to die. Therefore, I must be responsible.
I am not indispensable. The Kingdom keeps going without me. Therefore, I must be humble.
I am not an island. I need friends around me. Therefore, I must be accountable."
I miss Papa Bear's wisdom already.
This entry was posted
on Friday, February 19, 2010
at 12:15 AM
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Donnie Smith
