A few months ago I was on a road trip and we got stuck in traffic. My family vacation was off to a rough start. We sat on the highway for four hours, it was crazy. We were on I40 just as we crossed over form the Tennessee border into Arkansas. We were out on the road playing soccer on the highway. Cars were turned off and people were just walking around as if things were fine. When we finally saw cars in the distance moving we all jumped in the car buckled up ---excited and ready to get back to the road trip.....Well, we were ready to go but nothing seemed to be changing. All we could see were the two massive trucks right in front of us. So we were buckled and ready to go but the waiting continued. The two trucks right in front of us did not move. Finally a guy came running by our car and started beating on the doors of both of these trucks. Within seconds;;; break lights, then movement-- they both started off slow but built up speed. I realized that the cars in front of them were long gone. These two truck drivers were in the back of their cabs sleeping or watching a movie...who knows but they were clueless that it was time to move forward. Hummm...clueless that they needed to move over so the rest of us could get to where we needed to be. In short they had set up a road block and the rest of us could not get by. We had no choice but to wait on them to go. In so many ways I feel like I am sitting on that road today. In life, I have one speed and that is go hard and go fast. For some reason God has me right in the middle of a waiting game right now. Everything in me is ready to move forward but I am waiting on God and He is waiting on others. So, for today I am content to pray and patiently wait on His direction.
Donnie Smith
